
Health &

… through gut and cellular solutions that increase mental stamina,
restore digestion, and balance your hormones…
so your body can keep up with your ambition.

Discover what to swap out in your pantry and diet so you can heal your gut

Get simple and easy food swaps to heal your gut, boost your energy, and release weight.

Ever Feel Like...?

  • You never have enough energy to cross everything off your daily to-do list?
  • Your hormones are out to get you? 
  • Your brain isn’t as witty or quick as it used to be?
  • Or that it wouldn’t matter if all you had for dinner was a glass of water, somehow, someway… you’d still be bloated?
  • Ever wake up after a “full night’s sleep,” only to wonder why you still feel exhausted?
  • It’s frustrating. Because you’re motivated to chase your dreams. You’re committed to doing what it takes. 
  • But, it seems like your health keeps getting in the way. Or that there’s some kind of invisible barrier stopping you.

Easy Food Swaps



Get access to the Easy Food Swap Guide TODAY

  • Get simple and easy food swaps to heal your gut, release weight and boost your energy.
  • What to swap out in your pantry and diet so you can heal your gut.
  • The best foods to indulge in when you have a sweets craving so you never have to feel deprived

On the Blog

Looking for inspirational articles to help you know where to start your gut-focused health journey? Start here.

This is the support you're looking for.

Praise from top health experts
"Laura is a trusted guide in the functional health space..."
JJ Virgin
Celebrity Health Expert
"Laura is one of the best health experts I know. She's constantly seeking out the latest knowledge and refining her clinical skills..."
Ari Whitten
PhD Candidate, CES, PES
"Laura is a go-to person for restoring brain stamina at the deep cellular level. She is super knowledgeable and truly cares...
Natalie Jill
Celebrity Health Expert
"Laura is an outstanding practitioner specializing in enhancing the energy and overall wellness of women..."
Maggie Berghof
CEO of Celproceo & Online Business Strategist

Science-Based Programs to Restore Your Health.

Results You Can Rely On

Here is what our clients have to say...

Results You Can Rely On

Here is what our clients have to say...

Energy is Back

"I never thought I’d have energy again and it’s back!" - Margaret

Sleeping without Interruptions

"My brain fog is so much better. I Hadn't even realized it was so foggy. Now I’m sleeping without interruptions." - Marianne

Regular Again

"I'm so happy my bowels are ‘regular’ again!" - Syra

Motivation and Inspiration

"Being a part of this community has given me the motivation and inspiration to get to the next level of health. It's improved my overall energy. I've also seen a significant improvement solving longstanding issues with my skin. - Kristen

Increased Energy

"You have given me an entire tool box to pull from when I am not feeling my best." - Alicia St. Germain

Allergy Symptoms Gone

"I’m not having allergy symptoms since I started Laura’s protocols!!! I have more energy in the afternoon and better focus, also mental capacity throughout the day." - Cindy

Life Without Pain

"Since the age of 16 I had not known a what it felt like to have a pain free day. Due to a back surgery I had as a child, I have four permanent metal bolts in my spine. Thanks to my personalized protocol from Laura I now live pain free." - Elisabeth Lemiuex

Brain Fog Lifted

"...My brain is back, I am clicking, I am remembering trivial things. Brain fog is gone, I am on fire again." - Sheri Sinaga

Permanent Weight Loss

"...She believed in me, before I believed in myself." - Mary Welch


"Thanks for these 12 week of calls and lessons. This is my last call and it's been so worthwhile! I never thought I’d have energy again and it’s back!" - Margaret

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