Trusted Health Service
Functional health encompasses the whole person. That’s why I’ve partnered with stress management and wellness partners for coaching and therapeutic services, so you can live a full, healthy, and BioRadiant life!
RELEASE STORED TRAUMA Trauma activates the body's stress response, so by addressing stored trauma in the body via a combination of traditional and alternative medicines and somatic therapy, you can reduce inflammation, restore nervous system regulation, improve mental and physical health, enhance relationships, and find closure.
BRAIN TRAINING The Gupta Program utilizes amygdala and insula retraining techniques that integrate neuro-linguistic programming, meditation, breathwork, and more to successfully treat chronic conditions like ME/CFS, fibromyalgia, and MCS by accessing the nervous system to reduce inflammation and retrain the stress response.
STRENGTHEN BONES As we age, our bones can become more brittle and porous, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fracture. Fight bone loss through diet, stress reduction, and targeted nutrition that helps strengthen bones, prevent injury, and maintain an active lifestyle at any age.
BLOCK THERAPY Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles. Block therapy helps actively decompress fascia to heal chronic pain, accelerate recovery, enhance performance, improve overall flow throughout the body for optimized health!
PROTECT AGAINST EMFS We are exposed to ElectroMagnetic Frequencies daily. From our devices to cell towers to even our microwaves, EMFs can cause headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, and more. Electro-Pollution Fix is a Step-By-Step EMF Protection Online Course showing you exactly how to dramatically reduce EMF exposure for you and your family — no matter if you’re an owner or a renter, no matter your budget, and no matter your circumstances. Use code BIORADIANTEPF to save $50.
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